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Natural Folk Remedy For Removing Acne

Natural Folk Remedy For Removing Acne

Natural Folk Remedy To Remove Acne. below that is the set of most natural medicine have recognized the benefits to deal with acne. Therefore if you have problems with acne you can try one of the following, except herb wear naturally also free possibility to advance.

What is acne? And what are the causes of acne is that? two questions were indeed already answered on the article that we write down first. Really very major to know about acne and the different types and causes of why Acne can appear. With know that kind of thing would definitely make us better understand how so do the treatments not fit so add chronic.

Acne cure natural medicines called wearing some traditional ingredients from nature are the best that can be tried. Due to some natural substances contain very much avail to human health. Outside of that natural materials more easily obtainable and less expensive when compared to chemical drugs. Wear the drugs have chemicals in fact not forbidden but good must match the same prescription.

How to remove acne Traditionally with 20 types of natural medicine

And for those of you who are curious would some types of plants have benefits for treating acne, the most traditional type of medication to get rid of acne and the rest in the face.

# 1. Cinnamon and Honey

This material is a combination of two drugs that are efficacious, benefits the bottom line fact is not to treat acne but to kill bacteria and antibiotic acne not so as the more chronic due to infection from bacteria.

Use of the step:
Clean the face wears the clean water then dry it. Mix 1 tablespoon cinnamon with 2 spoons of honey to be like a paste. To make the mask and use an 10-15 minutes, then wipe with clean water.

# 2. Honey and milk/Yogurt

Milk and yogurt has benefits that are good for skin beauty secret even Queen cleopatra bathing often wear namely milk.

Use of the step:
Mix 1 tablespoon milk/yogurt with 1 tablespoon of honey and then give in the face as a mask, give it repeatedly until it is thickened and then let sit along the 10-15 minutes. Then wipe it clean wear clean water.

# 3. Orange Peel Paste

Vitamin C in Orange skin has a nice benefit to eliminate acne, outside it's orange peel also has benefits to rejuvenate skin cells to return some of the dead.

Use of the step:
Juice orange peel which is combined with a little water until soft. Then clean the face with water and pat dry. Orange peel paste give on the face and let it all 20-25 minutes. Then flush clean water.

# 4. Egg White

The egg white has protein and vitamins are good to get rid of acne and the rest in the form of stains or black flecks the rest of acne.

Use of the step:
Separate the egg whites with the yolk eggs then whisk until frothy. Give in your face many times each so dry and let it all 20-25 minutes. Then flush warm water wear wearing a towel.

# 5. Apple Vinegar

Apple vinegar has benefits both for the face that is able to balance the PH and to avoid the development of bacteria. Apple vinegar boisa so one of the potent drug in handling acne.

Use of the step:
Before using Apple vinegar strive to clean your face with clean water and pat dry. Then give the Apple vinegar on face wear cotton and let all the 10-15 minutes. Afterwards clean the wearing of clean water and use moisturizer whenever the skin feels dry.

# 6. Aloe Vera

The widely used Aloe Vera for hair is in fact good for treating acne is stubborn. Aloe Vera has anti-bacterial and could appease and has anti inflammatory character.

Use Of The Step:
Clean the face wears the clean water and pat dry first. Aloe Vera skin Peel and take gelnya, strive to keep clean of resin due could cause itching in the skin. Provide in the face of breakouts and let along approximately 20 minutes. Then clean the face with clean water or warm water.

# 7. Papaya

Papaya can also be used as a medicine to treat acne. The fruit of the papaya has enzymes papain is content that has benefits, reduce inflammation and avoid the onset of pus. Papaya fruit can also eliminate some dead skin cells and makes the face softer and smoother.

Use of the step:
Prepare 1 piece of papaya and then mash until smooth, and then give in the face already wearing clean water is contrived. Let all 15-20 minutes then flush the face with warm water.

# 8. Banana Peels

Except the fruit that is good for health in fact banana peels also had good benefits to eliminate acne. Banana peels contain lutein one anti-oxidants that can reduce swelling, inflammation and encourage some new cells. With menggosokannya banana peels in the face just had breakouts sense can relieve discomfort due to acne.

Use of the step:
Provide what are some types of banana peels, then rub it on the face of the breakouts are circular. Let all more or less 30 minutes and let stand with clean water.

# 9. Strobery and honey

Strobery fruit have a high content of salicylic acid content that can get rid of acne fast. This acid acts to open the blocked pores and neutralizes the bacteria to do not result in infection.

Use of the step:
First you clean the face of the your first wear clean water and then dry it with a towel. Mix the 3 pieces of strobery which already decimated with 2 tablespoons honey until blended. Then give in your face until blended along more or less 20 minutes then wipe with clean water afterwards.

# 10. Juice of lemon

Lemo has vitamin c and nitric acid which acts to treat acne and help exfoliate the skin.

Use of the step:
Provide the juice of lemon and then give in the face of wearing cotton. When you feel sharp pain you could give a little yogurt juice in it. Set aside some time to dry so then flush with clean water until clean.

# 11. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil can dissolve sebum and dead skin cells that some can avoid the occurrence of infections of the lower surface of the skin and avoid the occurrence of infections.

Use of the step:
Dilute tea tree oil by mixing it with water with perbandinga 1:9 (tea oil 1 drop of water 9 drops appeal). Then before use clean the face of the your first wear clean water then give it in your face wear cotton until blended. Set aside some time to dry and so clean water afterwards.

# 12. Mint Leaves

Mint have menthol content which acts as an anti-inflammatory and a pain in the exterminator acne. Mint is indeed unable to treat acne but can mmebantu eliminates impact redness on the face and can also relieve swelling caused by acne.

User measures:
Pull first mint leaves juice or wear can be crushed himself. Setalh it clean the face wears new clean water and pat dry afterward provide in the face of an already delicate mint leaves and let sit all last 10-15 minutes. Clean with cold water and used to do it regularly for optimal results.

# 13. Potato

Potatoes are rich in sulfur, potassium, chloride and phosphorus that are so good for the face and can treat stubborn acne. With its high anti-oxidant on potatoes could encourage the development of some new skin cells and menyehatkannya.

Use of the step:
Grated potato 1 piece and then rub it in the face of already clean water with contrived then let sit along the 15-30 minutes. Then flush the face wears warm water.

# 14. Steam Baths

Steam has very many benefits to the human body of one of them can treat acne. These steps can you do with a visit to the steam that is in the gym-gym but when you don't have the habit of visiting some of the places it below that is an alternative to the steam bath is naturally wearing some traditional materials.

Boil the water to a boil and then pour it in a bowl or large container. Let it be a moment to natural water temperature decreased a little more or less have been not so hot anymore. And position your face above the bowl of it and keep a towel over your head. Let the steam hot water that soaks your face around the 10-15 minutes and clean water in the face next wearing a towel. When done regularly can treat acne.

# 15. The Mask Of Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonat)

Baking soda or who has another name for sodium bicarbonat contain antideptik that can fight bacteria and fungi on acne and can drain excessive oil on the skin.

Use of the step:
Mix one box of baking soda with water until it is so like the pasta. Then give in the face with a circular motion along the approximately 2 minutes. First of all let it 15-20 minutes and flush clean water afterwards.

# 16. Oatmeal

Oatmeal can eliminate acne either from outside or from within.

Use of the step:
Provide general, like oatmeal and hot masihlah time give 2 tablespoons honey and let stand briefly until cold. After that give in detail on the first face on several sides of the breakouts and let sit along the 20-30 minutes then clean warm water and pat dry.

# 17. Garlic

Garlic has anti-bacterial character which is so powerful in the fight against acne.

Use of the step:
Extract of garlic then mix with 1 teaspoon of fresh water. Use a cotton swab to mengolaskannya on all the surface of the face. Let stand briefly until it is so dry and flush afterwards.

# 18. Sugar Scrubs

White sugar has benefits to get rid of some of the excessive skin cells resulting in obstruction of pores on the face. Mixing the sugar, honey, water and olive oil bis amenjadi one of the drug to be effective to eradicate acne.

Some of the material:
  • 1 ½ cup white sugar
  • 1 ½ cup brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 2-3 tablespoons coarse sea salt
  • 1 vanilla bean
  • 10 tablespoons of pure vanilla eksrak

Use of the step:
Mix 1 ½ cup brown sugar ½ cup sugar with 1 give 2 tablespoons sea salt and stir until blended. If you want a vanilla beans you can give mengupasnya first and mixing on a combination of it. After all the ingredients are combined, give the olive oil and let most of the time. Setalh it's use as a scrub on your face and let stand an 15-20 minutes and wash off with clean water afterwards.

# 19. Avocado and Honey

Many are beranggapa if avocado fruit can lead to Acne but until now this has yet to be proved whether it is true or not. However the content of nutrients and vitamins that are in fact fruit this avocado is good for treating acne. Coupled with eating honey acne remedy that will be sufficiently efficacious.

Use of the step:
Mix the avocado fruit with honey to be like a paste and then give it in a part of the breakouts and doctors throughout the 15-20 minute then flush with clean water afterwards.

# 20. Green Tea

Green tea is so good is used to treat acne internally by consumed as beverages or ekternal i.e. by menyemprotkannya diwajah.

Use of the step:
Clean your face first, then pat dry. Provide a bowl of water then input the green tea leaves in a bowl of it and bring to the boil. After that let stand to cool slightly and use on your face, can be sprayed or memoleskannya with a soft cotton cloth or wear face.

Well, sekianlah 20 types of natural medicine to get rid of acne that you can try at home. By using some natural ingredients would certainly reduce the chances of your face on health. Beyond that to amaksimal bus in overcoming acne you should know cause acne and some types of acne that what are? To be overcome with the right steps. Because there are very many kinds of acne from blackheads, acne begins to rock and there are many more.

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