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6 How to remove Stubborn Acne

6 How to remove Stubborn Acne

How To Remove Acne. is a series of how to deal with acne that we noted in the site (blog). First ever covered the complete range of started some type of acne, causes of acne, get rid of acne naturally, eliminate acne stone to eliminate remnants of acne such as freckles or pocked due to Acne and other problems associated with most major issues surrounding teens.

Yes true acne is a common problem that needs to be faced by some of the people especially teenagers. Acne has very much the type and manner of penangannya, each type of acne should be diakukan are not the same so if you do not designate the more chronic. There are several challenges for acne patients such as unable to squeeze with nails and others that need to be followed when you do not want to leave the rest of the recovered acne like black flecks or even pocked the rest of acne.

In fact there are a number of ways and a workable way out to deal with acne that appear on the face or back. One of them is like buying a variety of drug diapotik, using some natural ingredients and go kedokter or clinic that is indeed has experience in parts. Wear the drugs contain chemicals not we recommend because has such a high possibility of getting better when consulting the doctor immediately to more and quicker to recover. Another way which is pretty effective, inexpensive and have no risk i.e. wear some natural materials or traditional materials ranging from ancient so the mainstay of our ancestors.

How To Overcome The Stubborn Acne Naturally, Quickly And Effectively

For those of you who bear the agony of acne that stubborn below how to remove stubborn acne that you can try:

1). Use ice cubes

Ice cube act to increase blood flow in the space environment all help minimize acne pores on the skin, kill the bacteria causes acne, remove dirt on the skin and removes excessive oil menumpuh on the skin.

How To Overcome Acne With Ice Cubes

  1. Provide ice cubes as needed
  2. Wrap a clean cloth wear
  3. Paste on face breakouts space evenly
  4. Hold all the most minutes and free up time has been unable to resist the sense of chill
  5. Ulangilah again is always the system all repeatedly around the 10-20 times
  6. Do these steps with regular until recover exactly acne

2). using Honey

Honey is indeed have many benefits and avail for health agency that cannot be doubted. Honey also has antibiotic content is so high. Honey can avoid spreading infections that cause meradangnya acne.

How To Get Rid Of Acne Using Honey

  1. Provide natural honey (honey production is not factory)
  2. Provide on the acne wore cotton
  3. Let sit an 25-35 minutes
  4. Clean the face wears the clean water afterwards
  5. Working on a regular basis to obtain optimal results

3). Use Fruits Lemon

One of the fruits that contain Vitamin C which is so high is a lemon. Lemon so well when used to cure acne, Acne can decrease the lemon fast. But the need to remember is to use the masihlah lemon fresh and those steps may just not fit for sensitive skin.

How To Cure Acne Using Lemon

  1. Prepare fresh lemon 1-2
  2. Squeeze lemon and save the water in the container
  3. Basuhkan lemon water in the face breakouts wear cotton
  4. Do this on a regular basis the night approached the bed

4.) using garlic

Onion puti commonly used as a condiment, this kitchen is antifungal, antiseptic, antiviral, and anti-oxidants that are so useful to face breakouts. Garlic also has a sulphur content that could speed up the acne treatment system.
How To Get Rid Of Acne Using Garlic

  1. Take the garlic and cut into strips 1 garlic clove in two parts
  2. Rub-rub the garlic that was cut to pimples and let all 5-10 minutes
  3. Wash the face wears the clean water
  4. Do this regularly to obtain optimal results

5). Use fruits of Tomato

The tomato is a fruit that is also rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin c. vitamin high that makes tomatoes so good to make a natural remedy to get rid of acne.
How To Treat Acne Using Plum Tomatoes

  1. Prepare the tomatoes cook 1 (redness)
  2. Cut the tomatoes so thin slices-thin
  3. Cover with sliced tomatoes acne spaces such
  4. Let sit an 10-15 minutes
  5. Do with regular

6). Use Fruits Lemon

Lime is typically used by the mother to keperluam household waste cooking and clean up dirty plates. Outside it's Lemon lot also once made as medicine because many contained Vitamin c. lemons can make a remedy to get rid of acne that is quite effective.
How To Get Rid Of Acne Using Lime

  1. Prepare 1 piece of lime
  2. Squeeze the water and take a tablespoon of 1-2 environment
  3. Mix with honey 1-2 tablespoons
  4. Provide on the acne wore cotton
  5. Let all 10-20 minutes
  6. Flush with warm water until clean
  7. Do with regular until recover acne

The ways that you can try to get rid of acne on your face effectively and quickly. Cure just that much less things that can avoid the occurrence of acne on your face:

  1. Stay away from using excessive and risky cosmetic for skin
  2. Do not touch the face breakouts
  3. Do not squeeze your pimples
  4. Clean your face to clean the face 2 x a day minimum
  5. Frequently work out
  6. Multiply drank plain water
  7. Avoid the thought of stress

A brief explanation about our Sekianlah how to remove stubborn acne naturally and effectively on the space your face. Hopefully with the face you can go back to glow and free from acne. In fact in a way that would not treat acne with instant but necessary system. However when done by a regular would bring optimal results and it is definitely without any risks that endanger the skin of your face.

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