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6 Best Foods For Summer

Summer has arrived and everyone wants to enjoy the wonderful moments throughout this year. You can go swimming, trekking, camping, playing around the beach and enjoy the night outside grilling some of your favorite foods. To make sure you can enjoy all the warm sunny days in the summer, you have to keep yourself from summer health problems are common, such as sun damage, dehydration, heat, and digestive problems.

By making smart diet choices, you can ward off these and other health problems. The summer growing season produce fruit and vegetables fresh, delicious and healthy in the market. Summer food that is fresh and flavorful, this will make your body cool off in a good and nutritious. Here are the 6 best superfood for summer:

1. Watermelon. Watermelon is a staple food for a summer picnic. With about 92 percent of its weight comes from water, watermelon contributes to the intake of fluids to help keep the body stays properly hydrated. By staying hydrated, you can keep your memory remains sharp and your mood is stable. Also, watermelon provides plenty of antioxidants including vitamin A and C and lycopene, which helps reduce the risk of complications of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, high blood pressure, arthritis and macular degeneration.

To keep your body cool and remain properly hydrated during the summer months, the chews watermelon fresh per day. A refreshing watermelon flavor and sweet liked everyone, including children.

2. Cucumber
Cucumber is an ideal cooling summer more. They have a high water content and help keep your body stay fresh and crisp.

An enzyme called erepsin found in cucumber helps maintain intestinal tract stay healthy. This helps improve digestion and especially in summer, when people complain a lot about the poor digestion.

Plus, cucumbers contain vitamin C which helps protect the skin from the Sun ultraviolet (UV) and prevent wrinkles, sun damage and more.

Enjoy a plate of cucumber salad as a cool and crunchy snacks. You can even enjoy a cucumber soup or juice during the summer.

3. Summer Squash
Delicacy and texture of the cream of the summer squash goes well with many foods of summer. This is the source of the antioxidant vitamin C and a. also provides B vitamins that increase energy. Some components in the pumpkin summer also helps keep metabolism of insulin and blood sugar levels balanced.

In addition, summer squash provides vitamin K, kolin, zinc, dietary fiber, folate, potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium, as well as omega-3 fatty acids.

Fresh summer squash add to salads and wraps. You can also have a grilled summer squash dish, stuffed or stir-fried.

4. Yogurt Greece
Greece yogurt is perfect in the summer to cool the body and helps disperse body heat. Along with the protein and calcium, yogurt containing probiotic bacteria, Greece benefit that keeps your digestive system running smoothly and improve immunity and prevent yeast infections.

Greece even yogurt can help you slim down due to a combination of protein and carbohydrates are unique offers.

You can eat a cup of yogurt Greece for a refreshing summer treat. You can also add fresh strawberries or raspberries for dessert are delicious.

5. Buttermilk
Drinking buttermilk at the end of a long and hot day in the Sun is a great way to overcome dehydration and fatigue. Packed with electrolytes and water, a glass of buttermilk can help Your bodies of rehydration.

This also helps soothe the stomach after eating spicy and aid digestion. Sweating, fatigue, muscle cramps, nausea and headaches can also be reduced significantly by adding buttermilk into your diet. Plus, buttermilk is a great food for healthy skin.

So this summer, avoid soda and start drinking one or two glasses of buttermilk every day.

6. Mango
Available throughout the summer, soothing effect and cool the mangoes will keep you excited for summer. Plus, the mangoes are rich in vitamins A, C and E are important for maintaining good health.

You can eat a mango is ripe and unripe to beat the summer heat. Eat a ripe mango fruit as a snack or add the slurry to the milk or yogurt and combine for a delicious smoothie.

You can boil a crude extract, mango pulp, add to a glass of cold water and sprinkle in the salt and roasted cumin powder. This drink is a very good remedy for heat stroke and exhaustion that can occur in summer.

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