The characteristics of early stage Leukemia Disease to know and look out for
Although leukemia disease traits could not be immediately identified because it does not have clear characteristics, but should society keep trying to get to know about this disease. Leukemia or cancer of the white blood include diseases that are difficult to cure and can be fatal, but with early detection and early treatment from an early stage, disease progression can be inhibited. Early treatment of the disease will increase life expectancy.
Knowledge of dangerous diseases are actually very helpful if known by the community. Because the disease is not a thing that can be predicted the influx. Even people who in the previous day's healthy look can directly fall ill in the next days and will deteriorate rapidly. No exception for diseases including leukemia, a disease that is rarely found in this society can deteriorate quickly, in a matter of days or weeks, unless a chronic type of development slow.
What Are The Symptoms Of The Disease Of Leukemia?
As above written at the beginning, leukemia cells do not have obvious symptoms, there is no one typical symptom is a symptom of leukemia. However, leukemia cells have many of the symptoms that can help detect the disease, but because the symptoms are similar to regular diseases, then we recommend that you should always be alert so as not to kecolongan.
The characteristics of the disease in the early stages of leukemia that is recognizable when the sufferer is injured and his wounds bleed. If the injured person is normal, the blood out of the body would immediately clot the blood flow out and will soon cease. But if the injured and bleeding are the sufferers of leukemia or cancer of the blood, the blood flow will be extremely difficult halted. These symptoms make the sufferer will experience a shortage of red blood cells or anemia. And if seen, blood issued were not concentrated in red, but pink.
Sufferers of leukemia while still in the early stage will usually suffer nosebleeds or bleeding from the nose. The cause of the mimisannya any different to those experienced by normal people who are not sick with leukemia. In general the nosebleed can be caused due to a very high body temperature. Time of occurrence usually only brief and blood will soon stop coming out. But in people with leukemia, will frequent nosebleeds and not quick stop, besides this nosebleed events will be accompanied by Vertigo that is very unusual. Well, if it turns out during this you the nosebleed often coupled with Vertigo, beware of leukemia disease characteristics and immediately checking your health to the doctor.
Symptoms of the disease of leukemia sufferers is often experiencing bleeding from gums and teeth. Generally when someone may be experiencing bleeding on that section is caused due to deficiency of vitamin C or because exposed to foreign bodies from the outside. Blood is coming out any time easily stopped and his wounds heal faster. However, if a person suffers from leukemia, bleeding that occurs quite often repeated and difficult to perdarahannya stopped because the blood is also difficult to freeze.
Furthermore, sufferers of leukemia cells usually often feel pain in the joints or in the spine. Even the incredible pain it can make sufferers experience a high fever because of a vertebra is apparently being attacked by cancer cells. In addition to pain at the joints and spine, leukemia sufferers are also often feel pain in the abdomen. The characteristics of this leukemia disease caused due to excessive white blood cells gather in the area of the kidneys, liver and bile. And what happens is the body organs swell and accompanied by pain and appetite makin day diminish.
Articles about leukemia symptoms continued on page 2. Read also about the symptoms of leukemia in children and the types of leukemia on page 2.
In addition to blood cancer or leukemia sufferers is also very vulnerable to contracting the disease or the virus because white blood cells in the body are excessive should serve keep the body from disease, not function normally. Therefore the body of leukemia sufferers vulnerable once exposed to viral infections. Dangerous as hell, isn't it? In the early stage alone is able to make someone be interrupted its activities, especially if a person suffering from the disease of leukemia stage 4.
The disease can also make someone lympa glands swell because white blood cells are concentrated in the area of lympa glands. And that may also happen is most often the sufferer would have difficulty breathing or dyspnea. If you feel yourself, family, siblings, or friends you experience symptoms like, immediately consult a specialist to verify it and get treatment as soon as possible when it turns out right is suffering from leukemia.
Features of the disease of leukemia in children
Well, some of the symptoms of the disease of leukemia or features of yesteryear usually suffered by adults. But did you know that children can also experience the blood cancer? Therefore it is highly recommended that You take more care and maintain the health of your child in order for the blood cancer or leukemia cells not infected your child. Why parents should be very wary with leukemia disease traits in children? This is because usually the majority of the children are not too feel the pain caused by the cancer symptoms. Symptoms generally occurs in children suffering from cancer of the blood is her weight will shrink.
Weight shrinkage which occurs in children be caused because the child diminishes its talking lust. Other symptoms are usually experienced by the child is easy to lose balance. Child cancer patients blood will easily fall while walking or running. Features of the disease of leukemia in children is a difficult blood froze when the child was hurt. These symptoms are the same as symptoms experienced by adults.
The type of the disease of leukemia or blood cancer
After knowing the characteristics of the disease of leukemia, you should also find out some types of leukemia disease so that you can be more aware of this disease. It is generally a disease of leukemia or cancer is divided into 4 types. Limfostik acute leukemia usually suffered by children. Even the cause still has not been found. But until recently it is possible limfostik leukemia occurs due to genetic factors. Then chronic limfostik leukemia cells usually occur in adults ages 45-60 years. This type of the disease of leukemia is the most benign and progression of kankernya slowly. While the acute and chronic mielositik leukemia is a type of leukemia is quite vicious and very dangerous.
It last a discussion of the characteristics of the disease in the early stages of leukemia which is certainly not yet a worst symptoms or signs of the disease of leukemia stage 4. By knowing the features of yesteryear, you can be more aware of the disease of leukemia or blood cancer, either for yourself or for your child.
Source: (United Kingdom) (Indonesian Language)
and various other sources
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