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This is why the fruit of the date palm is very beneficial for pregnant women

Consumption of the fruit of the date palm is very beneficial for pregnant women. Yes! It is true that this fruit is very rich in benefits and renowned as Prophet, fruit has been cultivated since 6000 years BCE. containing lots of content of nutrients and minerals. Arab community makes the fruit dates as one of the staple foods, while in Indonesia itself the fruit of the date palm is served as a complementary fruit especially in anyone for Muslims fasting.

The flesh of the fruit its sweet taste and black hides a wide variety of content the nutritional value is important for pregnant women. The following will be presented information about the content in the fruit of the date palm and its benefits, as well as tips in consuming fruit dates during pregnancy.

Nutrient content of the fruit of the date palm and its benefits for pregnant women
Although for some the fruit of the date Palm has a taste too sweet, yet consume the fruit of the date Palm has been proven to be safe and very beneficial to the mother and the fetus in the womb. Fructose, is a derivative of sugar contained in fruit of the date Palm has easily absorbed by cells in the body before it got raises sugar levels in the blood. The following interesting facts about biological nutrients per 100 grams of the fruit of the date palm and its benefits for pregnant women:

Sources of Energy (277 kcal)
During pregnancy is very important to consume healthy foods that can help the mother to keep the body stay healthy and avoid fatigue. Consume sufficient amounts of Palm fruit will add sugar reserves in your body without adding to the total amount of calories from the foods you consume. So no need to fear the fat when you regularly consume the fruit of dates during their pregnancy.

Fiber or fibre (2.7 g)
Constipation or constipation, is a common problem that often occurs in pregnant women. Fiber content in the fruit of the date palm can help you avoid these symptoms. Other benefits by consuming the fruit of the date palm which is rich in fiber, you will not be hungry, quickly lowering the bad cholesterol in the blood can even keep you to always be in the ideal weight during pregnancy.

Protein (1.8 g)
The protein in the fruit of the date palm helps your body to produce the amino acid which is very useful in cell repair and support the full growth of the fetus in the womb.

Folate (15 mcg)
Content of folate in the fruit of the date palm prevent the occurrence of abnormalities of the fetus in the womb. It is so in touch with his brain and nerve growth.

Iron (0.9 mg)
Iron in the fruit of the date palm is urgently needed to prevent pregnant women from anemia or a lack of red blood cells during pregnancy. These substances bind to hemoglobin in the body and will raise the immune system or defense of the disease, both in the mother and fetus.

Vitamin K (mcg 2.7)
New born babies, Vitamin K would be very low. So this Vitamin injections will be directly given to the infant shortly after birth. With the consumption of the fruit of the date palm in the amount of enough by the mother during conceived, ASI will be rich in this Vitamin. So with that lactating women, levels of Vitamin K in the body of the baby will increase. Vitamin K function as blood clotting substances and supporters in bone growth.

Magnesium (54 mg)
Magnesium is a mineral substance forming one of the teeth and bones on the baby. Besides magnesium also functions as a regulator of sugar and blood pressure. The condition of the magnesium deficiency during pregnancy may be at risk of the occurrence of kidney disorders or other illnesses that are associated with the failure of kidney function in the fetus.

Potassium (696 mg)
Potassium is also known by the chemical name Potassium. It is the third largest mineral in the human body. This is a key mineral water and salt balance, regulates blood pressure and enough potassium content will prevent pregnant women from the onset of muscle cramps during pregnancy.

Cholesterol (0.2 g)
The cholesterol contained in 100 grams of the fruit of the date palm is very minimal. Even the beta-glucan content in the fruit of the date palm is capable of binding bad cholesterol as well as throw it out of the body through the process of eksresi. So the consumption of the fruit of the date palm can help lower cholesterol levels that surpass the normal.

Tips in the Palm Fruit Consumption during pregnancy
After learning a variety of information about the content of the substances in the fruit of the date palm, the following will review about tips to consume fruit dates during your pregnancy:

It is safe to be consumed at each of the stages of Pregnancy
The fruit of the date palm is very safe to be consumed at every stage of the pregnancy. But still with sufficient amounts and not excessive. In the first trimester dates can help prevent constipation, increase the energy when the mother is not able to eat because of the occurrence of nausea in early pregnancy.

In the second trimester pregnant mothers to have diabetes gestasional diabetes or due to pregnancy is very high. So consult a doctor, how much fruit is ideal for dates that you can consume during this period. Because nothing good of everything that is consumed in excess.

The third trimester is the right time to consume the fruit of the date palm. Because the content of the other i.e. oxytocin, will help give birth to process quickly and easily. The recommended amount is 6 seeds fruit of the date palm and starting at 36 weeks of pregnancy, or one month before the day of labor estimates.

Presentation Of The Fruit Of The Date Palm
During pregnancy, if the direct fruit consumption grew tired of the dates, you can do variations in serving. Various fruit juice will taste the more delicious and nutritious when mixed with the fruit of the date palm. In addition to the Palm fruit juice can be used as a sweetener in salads, mix or dried bread and cake decorating or combine with milk and yogurt.

No need to be confused by the different types of the fruit of the date palm
There are myriad types and texture of the fruit of the date palm which is sold in the market. For the kind of mushy or soft fruit tends to indicate the dates are rich in mineral content. Dates semi-dry type contains a lower sugar levels and chewy when chewing. Whereas dried dates is widely used for decorating the cake and the bread is dry.

Any type and texture of the fruit of the date Palm will not reduce nutrient richness and benefits contained in the flesh of the fruit. This fruit can be your choice for a healthy and tasty snacks during pregnancy.

In addition to the tangible benefits we've know together from the above information, the fruit of the date palm is a fruit that is very special. It is referred to twelve times in the Qur'an, the Holy Book of the Muslims. Even before the various studies done to date palm fruit, God had first mentioned the fruit of the date palm as a remedy from all kinds of diseases. Still want to cast doubt on the benefits of this fruit?

Thus information on nutrient content and the benefits of the fruit of the date palm is for pregnant women. As well as a few tips in choice of time consumption, the type and variety of food that could be in the mix with the fruit of the date palm. May be useful and good luck.

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