Toothache remedies for kids a quick Treat
Looking for a cure toothache for children especially are still toddlers is certainly more difficult than finding a cure toothache for adults. This is because many chemical drugs not recommended its use for children. Therefore, as parents must be good at choosing remedies toothache for the fruit of the heart using natural materials. We certainly feel not bear see children suffering from toothache. Adult alone it's like half dead when he was suffering from a toothache, let alone the children of course they feel pain, frequent crying, hard-packed, and no passion for learning as well as play.
The age of the children is very prone to age suffered various health problems on the teeth. This is because they are still difficult to be controlled especially in terms of the consumption of food or drink that in general they are very fond of food/drinks instant sweets. Types of dental disorders that are often experienced by children, among others, i.e. cavities, dental porous, inflammation of the gums (gingivitis), presence of abscesses in the gums, or the occurrence of inflammation at the moment dentition. At a time when suffering from toothache children generally complaining of her teeth hurt and sometimes is accompanied by an increase in body temperature/fever.
Various Remedies Toothache for children from natural ingredients which can Quickly Treat
Toothache in children can be caused by many different factors. In addition to the consumption of food/drinks, sweets can also be caused due to lazy brushing my teeth, brushing my teeth, lack of nutrition/malnutrition in children, drinking milk using the dot until it falls asleep, the impact of laktolosa on milk packaging often consumed toddlers, and the impact of the consumption of drugs when pregnant/conceive. To cope with the pain of teeth in children, you can use various remedies toothache for children naturally:
1. Ice cubes
Ice cube is a remedy toothache for children who may be given as first aid to relieve toothache. Ice cubes can be efficacious for relieving pain in toothache. So a child who originally felt pain in the teeth that might be to cry, can be addressed with ice cubes. How to relieve a toothache with ice cubes i.e. put ice cubes in a clean cloth and then paste/kompreskan on the cheek area/the outside of the tooth that hurts.
2. Salt water
Salt water can also be used as a remedy for toothache. The way is to prepare 1 cup of warm water and add 1 teaspoon of salt. Mix until evenly distributed and then ask the child to berkumur-kumur using salt solutions. Salt is quite effective to relieve pain in toothache and accelerate wound healing.
3. Garlic
To relieve toothache in children, you can also use garlic. Garlic is one of the herbs that have natural antibiotic substances content so as to effectively kill germs cause toothache. The way is set up 1 clove of garlic, Peel and wash up until clean, then pounded until fine. After smooth apply on teeth, children who experience pain.
4. Onion
In addition to garlic, herbs more i.e. onion can also be used as a remedy for toothache. The onion also has benefits to relieve pain and kill germs of disease. The way is set up 1 clove garlic, mashed until smooth, and then apply it on the child's teeth. Do regularly then the toothache suffered by fruit hearts you will get well soon.
5. Clove oil
Toothache remedies for kids the next IE using clove oil. Clove oil is effective as an anti-bacterial and bitter taste so very powerful to treat toothache in children. The way is squirt clove oil on a sterile cotton swab then paste it on the kid's teeth hurt. Or the second way i.e. squirt clove oil on 1 glass of water and then ask the child to berkumur-kumur using clove oil solution.
6. avocado fruit Seeds
You can also treat a toothache in children using avocado fruit seeds. In addition to fruits containing high nutritional value, it turns out that avocado fruit seeds can be used as a remedy for toothache. The way is to prepare a fruit seed avocados to taste, lightly roasted peanuts, then pounded so fine. Once smooth, apply or paste on the area of the tooth that hurts.
7. lemon and honey
Materials from the lemon and honey can also be used as a remedy for toothache. Lemon is known to have a high dose of vitamin C which acts to fight the germs of the disease while honey contains the complete nutrition required to enhance the durability of the body. So the combination of lemon and honey is effective to cure toothache in children. The way is to prepare 1 lemon, dividing into 2 parts, and use half of it to be squeezed and capacity in a container. Then add 3 tablespoons pure honey, stir until evenly distributed. After that apply the solution on the part of the tooth that hurts.
8. tamarind Seed
To treat a toothache at children, you can also use the tamarind seed. This material was efficacious as a pain reliever while killer germs cause toothache. The way is to prepare tamarind seeds to taste and then roasted peanuts. After that the tamarind seed mash until smooth. Then DAB on the part of the tooth that hurts children and do it this way on a regular basis then the toothache that plagued by child will get well soon.
To prevent toothache in children, it can be done by parents is to always teach children to always routine brushing my teeth especially when taking a bath and before bed. Teach the children well for brushing my teeth properly, i.e. by way of brushing your teeth with rotating/form circle and rubbed it right down to the sidelines gear for all the leftovers can be raised. Fruit also devised your heart not to consume too much sweet foods such as candy, chocolate, cake, or milk packaging. Sweet food scraps left on the sidelines gears easy to stimulate the germs come and multiply in it.
Parents should also pay attention to nutrition for the fruit of the heart that is by providing a varied food menu mainly fruit and vegetables to increase durability of the body of the child. For toddlers who still consume milk in dot, don't let the dot still left in the mouth when the toddler was already asleep, because this makes it easy for germs to enter and multiply in the teeth and mouth. Teach the children well for many consume water and berkumur-kumur especially after eating so as not to leave leftovers on the sidelines of the teeth. Check with your child's teeth to a dentist at regular intervals for a minimum of 6 months to know the condition of the children's oral health and early detection if you're having a problem.
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