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Throat Pain when swallowing? This is the cause and how to overcome it

Pain when swallowing is a condition of inconvenience which occurs when a person swallows. The usual symptoms are felt on the upper neck area to esophageal or packed, not seldom pain spread to the end of branching bronchi in the chest area. It is common in children up to adults. The following will describe in about the cause of pain in the throat when swallowing and how to overcome it.

Some causes of Throat Pain while Swallowing
Swallowing activity itself is a complex process because it involves more than 30 nerves and muscles in the neck area. This process differs between ingesting solid foods and liquids. Some of the causes of the occurrence of pain when swallowing, among others:

Pharyngitis or sore throat
Pharyngitis or sore throat occurs if the occurrence of viral infections or bacteria on the walls of the throat. Signs of infection usually accompanied by redness and swelling in the throat, fever, diniding looks yellowish white patch anyway and this causes pain when swallowing. Streptococcal bacteria are tersering which causes pharyngitis in children and adults.

Tonsillitis or Tonsillitis
The cause of tonsillitis is almost the same with strep throat. The tonsils or tonsils are lymph glands, its position is on the left and right side of the tengorokan cavity. It has the function of first defense against bacteria and viruses. Fever, swelling and redness on the tonsils will look if the child or you suffer from tonsillitis.

Cuts in the oral cavity and throat
Injuries that occur in the oral cavity and throat usually occurs due to the consumption of food or drink that is too hot. This can be the cause of pain when swallowing.

Diphtheria Infection
Corynebacterium diphtheria is a type of bacterium that causes diphtheria. Diphtheria and contagious and very easy to attack children first when vaccine never before. If these bacteria infect, it will seem thick gray patches on the throat and the tonsils. From the outside it will look neck and cheeks swollen and bluish. Patients with the condition are not only experiencing difficulty diphtheria swallowing due to eating, but may also be at risk of death.

Infection of HSV and CMV
HSV (herpes simplex virus) and CMV (cytomegalovirus) is the cause of the infection and throat pain while swallowing another type of virus. It usually strikes people-people with the condition of the patient's immune system disorders such as HIV/AIDS or lupus. It will look like sores canker sores and white patches widen along the esophageal or packed, if bacteria invades CMV and HSV your throat.

A foreign object Stuck in the throat
Foreign objects such as a thorn stuck in the throat can be the cause of the occurrence of pain when swallowing. Take care – when consuming foodstuffs that are at risk of piercing the throat like spines of fish or chicken bones.

Infection in the tooth or Gums
Infection of the area of the teeth and gums may also be one of the causes of throat pain while swallowing. This can occur because the center of defense against infection or lymph glands are part of the oral cavity are at throat area, namely the organs of the tonsils. So when the tooth or gums suffered infections, these glands will join to swell and cause pain when swallowing.

Stomach Acid
If your ulcer sufferers or high levels of stomach acid, then the feeling of pain when swallowing can you feel chest to throat starting up even to the ear hole. This is due to the occurrence of reflux or gastric fluid to return to eat, due to the weakening of the valve in the stomach. It is also a cause of occurrence of burning feeling in the chest area.

How to overcome a Sore Throat when swallowing
Once you know the various causes of occurrence of inconvenience in the throat when swallowing, the following will be discussed some ways to treat and prevent infection, avoiding the spread of infection:

Honey and Lemon
Honey and lemon is believed can help menyembuhan all sorts of ailments including a sore throat when swallowing. You can use the juice of one lemon together with 2 teaspoons of honey in a glass of warm water, rutinkan drink in the morning when your stomach is still empty. Make sure also that you buy honey is honey.

Antibiotics or antiviral drugs
When pain conditions swallow felt very disturbing and cannot be lost once you try with herbs, come to the doctor and consult your condition. The doctor will carefully examine the cause and will prescribe the right antibiotics or antiviral and dose to suit your needs. Never buy antibiotics being sold freely and consumption without prescription of doctors.

Avoid Some types of foods that can cause an infection in the throat
Some types of food especially the many preservatives and artificial flavorings or sweeteners would be very easy to irritate and infect your throat. Make sure the food you eat is healthy and away from ingredients that are harmful to the health of you and your family.

Avoid smoking and cigarette smoke
The activity of smoking and exposure to cigarette smoke is highly irritating to the respiratory tract and digestive tract. The channel has a throat irritated skin will be prone to perlukaan, and the bacteria and viruses can easily infect. Avoid as much as possible a very detrimental activities.

Avoid Alcohol and liquor
Alcohol is a substance that is very dangerous and can damage almost all major organs in the human body. On the throat, alcohol will cause the drying of mucosa or skin surface and throat will be easy going irritation afterwards. As regards its effects the mucous rook, irritated skin will be easy to wound and bacteria or viruses will infect. Consumption of alcohol and drinks is also a trigger for the occurrence of cancer in the throat area and digestive organs.

Avoid Using the same eating or drinking
If your family there who experienced coughing or throat pain when swallowing, beware of the disease transmission may occur through saliva or dahaknya. Use different glasses, and always sterilkan or wash clean cutlery and drink that has been used by someone who is ill. Because bacterial infections like diphtheria, and viruses such as HSV and CMV will very easily transmitted through eating or drinking infected saliva.

Body health relies heavily with food or drinks that you consume. So it is advised to carefully choose food or drinks that you will insert into the body. Make sure the expiration date as well as materials that become a recipe in the food or drinks. Healthy and balanced food consumption can help maintain optimal health of you and your family.

Such information about the causes of a sore throat when swallowing, as well as some tips to treat and prevent the occurrence of infection or spread of infection that can occur. We wish you and your family are always healthy and avoid prolonged throat pain. Healthy greeting!

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