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This Is The Reason Why You Should Drink Milk Every Day

Milk is one of the important need to drink we consume in our diet. You may remember the time when you were younger that you have been drinking milk and maybe that is your favorite before learning that there were chocolate flavored drinks. The intake of the milk decreases as you get older and some people think not to drink milk because it adds too much fat in their food.

Drinking Milk is the source of many vitamins and nutrients, and also has some benefits for your health! See reasons below why you should drink milk!

# 1 Glowing Skin

You've probably heard before that the Pharaoh of Egypt was the last active named Cleopatra bathed in milk bath in order to keep her skin soft, supple, and even glowing, isn't it? You can do the same as he is, or if you're a little short on money, then you can drink several glasses of milk every day so you can get the nutrition and the benefits of his senses.

Milk has lactic acid that serves as a eksfoliant milk enzymes and helps smooth skin. Milk also has an amino acid that helps our skin becomes moist. Also, did you know that milk can help you prevent damage from environmental toxins as they contain antioxidants? It's a little sad for those who have sensitivity with milk or dairy products, because it can actually aggravate their skin.

# 2 healthy bones and teeth
Milk is one of the largest sources of calcium and it is very important to keep our bones healthy. Milk needed by children and also adults as they grow, so the kids can have a healthy bone, while the adults will have strong bones and prevent osteoporosis. Milk is also good for the teeth because it prevents us having cavities and hollow teeth also.

Did you know that in order for calcium to be absorbed by the body, vitamin D must be there, and if you have a vitamin D deficiency, then buy milk is fortified with vitamin D to make sure that your body also absorbs calcium. It needed.

# 3 build muscle
Milk also contains protein, milk can also rebuild your muscles. All you need to do is drink a glass of milk after Your exercise time or after you work out to give your body the nutrients it needs to recover fully. Milk can also help you to keep the pain after work.

# 4 weight loss
It seems that women who drank low-fat or skim milk can lose weight more than women who exclude dairy from their diets. Milk is one of the largest and most appetizers can also be made into healthy snacks! All you need to do is drink a glass of milk at dinner or drinking a glass of miles while eating healthy fruit.

5. stress relief
 A glass of warm milk can be a tremendous stress reliever because it will help you to relax your tense muscles and calm nerves also tired of you that has been used for the day. Also, it is evident that drinking milk when it can reduce symptoms of PMS and it can also increase your energy. So for all the men out there, if you see your woman angry at You for no reason, be sure to make a glass of milk for the love of your life so she'll stop PMS to you.

# 6 Healthy Body
 Milk has a trait that can lower high blood pressure and also lowers your risk of experiencing a stroke. This can also reduce the production of cholesterol the liver because it can act as antacids. Milk is also good for building excellent vision because they contain vitamins A and B and it has also been proven to help those suffering from cancer.

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