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Beware of Hypertension in pregnancy and do Prevention

Hypertension in pregnancy is one of the illnesses that need to be particularly aware of its presence by pregnant women. Because, in addition to affecting pregnancy, hypertension was also influential on the well-being of the fetus. Keep in mind that there are different types of hypertension that appear only when pregnant any time. Well that hypertension does not always occur on all pregnant women, however, know the following information about hypertension prevention and early penatalaksanaannya there are, of course many benefit.

Pregnancy is an important moment eagerly awaited its presence by many mothers. Any concern then expressed to the would-be fruit hearts. Much effort is made for the sake of maintaining health and well-being during pregnancy. One of them with a reasonably wide range of possibility the disease could affect health while pregnant, including hypertension.

Understanding Hypertension in pregnancy
Hypertension in pregnancy is the blood pressure of at least 140 mmHg systolic (the pressure when the heart is contracting) or 90 mmHg diastolic (the pressure when the heart relaxes). These conditions are enforced after blood pressure checks are conducted at least twice a 4-6 hour.

There are some conditions that make a mother pregnant more potentially exposed to the disease. For example a mother with twin pregnancy, diabetes mellitus, obesity, hidramnion, hereditary factors, and more. If a pregnant mother suffered high blood pressure, urine examination will soon be done to know is inside are protein content. This is done to support the enforcement of further diagnosis.

Types of Hypertension that appear during pregnancy
The following describes the types of hypertension in pregnancy. It needs to be understood about the characteristics of each because there is some difference in characteristics and handling. Just go ahead, let us refer to the types of hypertension in pregnant women as follows:

1. Chronic Hypertension

Is hypertension (blood pressure ≥ 140/90 mmHg) without the presence of protein in the urine that has occurred since before pregnancy and settled after the birth. Pregnant women with chronic hypertension are encouraged to reproduce a break and diligently checked the blood pressure.

It should be noted, especially at some of the mothers who have been accustomed to consuming the drug-lowering hypertension since before getting pregnant, need to mengonsultasikan further to the medics, doctors or midwives, because there are several drugs which antihipertensi not recommended consumed by pregnant women.

2. Hypertension Gestasional

Is hypertension (blood pressure ≥ 140/90 mmHg) without the presence of protein in the urine that occurs after 20 weeks gestational age and will disappear after childbirth. This hypertension can be accompanied by heartburn and thrombocytopenia (decreased platelets).

Mothers with hypertension gestasional need to routinely monitor the blood pressure, the condition, and the development of janinnya. Mothers also need to be aware of the possibility of preeklampsia and eklampsia symptoms that may arise. Calcium supplementation and aspirin will usually be given, of course in accordance with the direction of a physician.

3. Preeklampsia

Hypertension is a condition in pregnancy with the protein in urine. Preeklampsia appeared on the gestational age of 20 weeks or more and often occur in young's first pregnancy. Preeklampsia symptoms can be a terrific headache, pain in the solar plexus, eyesight for example blurred view. But it does not always have to be experienced.

In some cases even preeklampsi early symptoms can not be felt by the patients themselves. Therefore, it is here that one of the roles and functions of important checkups during pregnancy (Antenatal Care). Preeklampsia which are not handled properly will switch into eklampsia.

Preeclampsia is classified into two types, namely:

Light Preeklampsia
Is the disease of hypertension in pregnancy with blood pressure ≥ 140/90 mmHg at 20 weeks gestational age > accompanied by the results of the examination of the urine protein + 1. Preeklampsia light repair can be done with full rest and administering a sedative on the recommendation of a doctor.
Heavy Preeklampsia
Is the disease of hypertension in pregnancy with 160/110 > blood pressure mmHg at 20 weeks of age > accompanied by the results of the examination of the urine protein ≥ + 2. On preeklampisa the weight could be accompanied by the involvement of other organs such as thrombocytopenia, oliguria, pulmonary edema, heart failure, stunted fetal growth, etc.
4. Eklampsia

Preekelampsia is accompanied with seizures. Signs and symptoms that are similar to preeklampsia. Eklampsia preeklampsia condition can occur if not handled properly. If the condition is already leading to eklampsia then it needs to be careful and vigilant considering eklampsia is still one of the great benefactors of the death toll on the mother.

The dangers of Hypertension in pregnancy is obliged to look out for
Hypertension experienced by pregnant women a little lot will have an impact on the health of the mother or baby's own good. There are many possibilities that could occur because of the presence of hypertension in pregnancy, such as the following:

The reduced supply of blood flow to the placenta – disruption of blood circulation system of practical results in disruption of blood flow also headed to the placenta.
Impaired fetal growth – the lack of intake enough nutrients and oxygen on the fetus can lead to impaired fetal growth
The weight of a baby born small – the lack of supply of nutrients to the fetus very potentially affecting the weight of the baby while the inception.
Premature birth – in some cases of hypertension, preterm birth can occur. This is related to the condition of the mother who takes pregnancy termination immediately even though the condition of the fetus have not been too ready (in conditions of prematurely). This is to save the life of either the mother or the baby.
Potentially occur infant mortality – Hypertension of pregnancy which is not handled properly can trigger a variety of the following health problems in infants can even cause death.
Cardiovascular disorders occur potentially in the mother – the emergence of hypertension in pregnancy can trigger a variety of cardiovascular disease. This can be triggered because of the condition of preeklampsia or preterm birth before.
The various precautionary measures that can be done
Given the fairly dangerous hypertension in pregnancy, then it needs to be done for minimal efforts may suppress figures of masculinity. Some things can be attempted between them as follows:

1. Repair Nutrients

Do a diet low in salt (no more than ¼ – ½ teaspoon per day), high in protein, and calcium supplements need to be done. Avoid smoking, caffeine consumption, as well as alcoholic beverages. Also avoid foods that are preserved as well as food in a can. Always keep your body weight so as not to fall into the obese category. To consult a nutritionist if necessary.

2. Exercise Regularly

Important sports are conducted to set conditions to keep the body in shape. The sport is recommended among other things such as the streets in the morning. In addition to the fresh, the streets in the morning can also meet your intake of oxygen to the fetus that is quite fresh in the morning.

3. Medical drugs

Medical personnel in this case the midwife or doctor will give you drugs to control blood pressure for pregnant women that they have high blood pressure. Of which as the assortment of medicines the drug heparin, aspirin, antihipertensi, etc. The consumption of these drugs must of course be upon advice of a doctor.

4. Multiply the break

It takes enough rest for at least 6-8 hours a day. Adequate rest is able to enhance the atmosphere of relaxed so that blood pressure can be controlled. In addition, rest is one of the efforts to control stress.

5. Routine Pregnancy Checked

Some conditions of hypertension during pregnancy may not necessarily be found with symptoms that can be felt by the mother. Therefore, it is important the pregnancy checks routinely on a good midwife or health worker physician so that the condition and development of pregnancy can be tracked properly.

Recommended for a pregnant woman to do an examination of each of a minimum of one month on the trimester I (0-12 weeks gestational age), every two weeks on a trimester II (12-24 weeks gestational age), and each once a week on (III trimester gestational age > 24 weeks).

In principle, hypertension in pregnancy can be attempted prevention by keeping a healthy life patterns. In addition, regular inspections while pregnant is important is done to monitor the development of the health of the mother and the fetus. So last information about hypertension in pregnancy, may be useful.

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